Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tables: LaTeX vs. Word

Am starting to wonder if I made the right decision in choosing to write my dissertation in LATEX instead of in MS Word. I need to create a table of information, and need it to:

  • be in landscape format (because there are a *lot* of columns)
  • break over multiple pages (because there are a lot of rows)
  • have the entries in each cell wrap over multple lines (because there's often a lot of text in each entry)
  • float, if possible (so that I don't have a half-empty page before the table starts).

Am pulling my hair out (what little is left of it) trying to grapple with the all the various tabular-derivative packages (longtable, supertabular, tabularx, tabulary, array... ), to figure out which one will work best for me, and how to massage it into doing what I want it to do.

And spending all my time doing this instead of actually *writing*.



Liz Richardson said...

Murphy's Law of writing docs under pressure. Chances are good that even if you had decided to use Word, it would have freaked out on you.

Sending HUGS your way. Hang in there!

JasonP said...

Yeah, I know. Both methods have their demerits. It's hard to tell
which method would have lost (cost!) me the more time, though, that's
all. Too late now to turn back and take the other track, of course.

:) Thanks.