Saturday, December 15, 2007

Blogger's [un-]block

Today was the first Saturday I've had to myself in a long time --- hence the preceding spate of blog posts. There've been a number of topics that I've felt like writing about, but, besides not being able to relax enough during the work-week to commit those thoughts to prose, I've been also been spending most of my recent weekends with my cousins/aunt/uncle. Hanging out with family is great, of course, and does wonders for me in terms of reviving my spirit at the end of the week, but a writer can't write if he's being interrupted often, can he? ;) I came to school / the office today meaning to work, but got side-tracked into doing this instead. I don't feel too guilty about it, though --- I needed a break from thesis-writing, to be able to think about something else for a while, and it feels good to have scratched a few items off my to-do list. There are a few more things that I want to write about, but those will have to wait for another day. Thank you for being patient, my readers. ;)

1 comment:

J said...

Yes, we are very patient.
BTW, I was doing the same thing. I started to work today around 9:00am and just finished it. However, I did "accidentally" find some time to write something.