Sunday, March 8, 2009

Life is skittles, and life is beer!

Spring is here, suh-puh-ring is here! And, as much as I haven't gotten in all the snowboarding that I wanted this winter (yes, I have been *several* times this season, and I did venture onto the black diamonds, still, I haven't completely mastered the blues yet, and I haven't yet gotten any air --- while my skiing friend Brandon has! --- and that bothers me no little amount), I'm happy for the arrival of warm weather. The birds are singing in the trees, squirrels are bounding about, Bagheera is going hyper in the windows and chafing at being confined indoors (I so would love to take him out and let him run free, but I have little enthusiasm for the prospect of chasing him myself over hill and dale and up a tree to bring him back. I could put him on an extended leash, as I did when I gave him his first taste of The Great Outdoors a few weeks ago, but he'd probably choke himself to death in a mad dash to the end of the clothesline.), the women-folk are shedding their winter coats for skirts, shorts and spaghetti-strap tops... ahh, life is good.

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